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Judit Jakab

Positive Developmental Psychologist
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Positive Psychology, Coaching Psychology
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I specialise in positive psychology and personality development. After receiving my BA (Hons) in public relations and psychology at the University of Bedfordshire and my MSc in positive psychology and coaching psychology at the University of East London, I am currently in my final year of my doctoral studies at the Department of Personality and Health Psychology at ELTE University in Budapest.

As a positive psychologist, I believe psychology and spirituality are interdependent. While psychology can assist you in getting to know your mind by revealing patterns and bad habits, spiritual activities like meditation can help you transcend them. I use scientifically proven tools from both fields to help my clients create healthy new ways to prosper and flourish in their lives.

During consultations I work with clients interactively to help them in the areas of life they would like to improve and succeed in. We work towards specific goals clients can either set for themselves in advance or arrive at together through exploration. I provide a safe, positive space clients can utilize for the process of building an ideal life for themselves.

My areas of expertise include:

  • Finding purpose in life
  • Achieving sustainable happiness
  • Developing a growth mindset
  • Finding flow or being “in the zone” in various areas of life
  • Discovering and applying character strengths
  • Creating a routine of mindfulness activities
  • Developing coping strategies
  • Effectively combining psychological and spiritual toolkits
“Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.”  
-  Wayne W. Dyer


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